Detailed Arrival Into Gaming Information:

It is about a 2 hour drive from the airport to Gaming. You’ll arrive at the Kartause in the St. Francis Courtyard and be greeted by the families, faculty and staff (including your RAs!) 


You’ll be ushered in to the lobby and Francis Room where you’ll go through your check-in process.  There you will receive out your rooming assignments, your keys and cell phone, sign your Meldezettel Form (town registration), etc.


After they help you get luggage to your room, you’ll have your opening Mass in the Kartause Church and dinner will follow.  After dinner there will be a brief welcome in the Audi-Max and you’ll make your way over to the Prälatensaal for a social. (Don’t all of these names sound so Austrian?!)


Then it will be off to bed because the following morning you’ll be out the door for an excursion and your first taste of Austria. You’ll have mass in Gaming, then brunch and a tour in Melk Abbey, followed by a trip to Durnstein Castle. You’ll be gone most of the day on Sunday, and then you’ll have one orientation session after dinner.


After three more days of orientation, your classes will begin!
