Information on Trains and Discounts:

  1. is the main site you’ll be using to book trains and buses in Austria.  If you visit the site, follow the steps below to obtain a Vorteilscard, which is 50% off trains in Austria:
  1. Click the British Flag to switch to English
  2. Click Menu on the top left
  3. Click Tickets and Discounts
  4. Scroll down to Discount OBB Vorteilscard
  5. Fill out application: you’ll receive a temporary card, and the hard copy will be mailed to the Kartause for you.  BE SURE TO ENTER YOUR BIRTHDATE IN THE EUROPEAN FORMAT. DAY/MONTH/YEAR.


  1. Download the Oebb App to your phone.

If you are arriving early, then you can purchase a train or bus ticket from an Oebb kiosk in the airport.  The Vienna Airport is called Wien Flughafen in Germany. 

  • Use google maps or something similar once you are in Vienna to find your way to your hotel/hostel.
  • Plug in the address of where you are staying.
  • Select the public transport option on your maps (click the bus icon.)
  • Follow the different trains or buses to catch to your destination.

c. Both trains and buses depart the airport directly.
